COMMUNIA Salon: The hollowing of the Public Domain

When: 18.06.2024
Where: Online
A photography of two statues of lions announcing the COMMUNIA Salon on the hollowing of the Public Domain.

On June 18th, we hosted an online salon on the hollowing out of the Public Domain through cultural heritage laws with a particular focus on Italy.

In recent years, we have witnessed a number of problematic court cases around the commercial reuse of Public Domain works held by Italian cultural heritage institutions. COMMUNIA has recently published an independent expert opinion, raising questions about the compatibility of the Italian approach of cultural heritage protection with EU law, including Art. 14 of the CDSM Directive, as well as a policy paper on the same issue with recommendations for the European lawmaker.

For this COMMUNIA Salon, we were joined by the authors of the independent expert opinion, Giulia Dore and Giulia Priora. In a panel discussion moderated by Brigitte Vézina, the two researchers discussed their findings with scholar Andrea Wallace and answered questions from the audience.

Cropped etching of the Library of Christ Church by Joseph Constantine Stadler.
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