Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy explains what type of information is collected from you when you visit our website (none!), how we use and share that information (we really have nothing to share…), and how you can contact us (by email ;).

Our Privacy Policy applies to you when visiting our website.

Our Privacy Policy applies to the visitors (or “you”) of our website. This includes:

We do not collect information through your use of our website. Full stop. We do not track, collect or store any information about you.

We do not share information with third parties. We do not collect any information from you and we do not use third party analytical tools. This means that we are unable to transfer or disclose any information about you with third parties.

We do not receive information from third parties. We really respect your privacy. We do not receive information about you from third parties.

Our Privacy Policy does not apply to third party websites.

Our Website may contain links to third-party websites. Obviously, our Privacy Policy does not apply to those.

You can contact us by email.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or if you would like to make a complaint about a possible breach of local privacy laws, please email us at

We will try to reply as soon as possible.

An etching and engraving of capterillars, butterflies and flower by Maria Sibylla Merian (cropped).
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