A photography of two statues of lions announcing the COMMUNIA Salon on the hollowing of the Public Domain.

COMMUNIA Salon 02/2024: The hollowing of the Public Domain

On Tuesday, June 18th, 15:00-16:00 CEST, we invite you to an online salon on the alarming development of the hollowing of the Public Domain through cultural heritage laws with a focus on Italy.

Under the Italian cultural heritage code, many uses of cultural heritage held in Italian collections are contingent on authorisation and the payment of a concession fee even if the work in question has long been out of or never been under copyright. In recent years, the Italian Ministry of Culture has ramped up the enforcement of this pseudo-copyright by taking legal proceedings against a number of commercial uses of Public Domain works by such diverse companies as GQ Italia, Jean Paul Gaultier and the German toymaker Ravensburger. This approach stands in contradiction to the very idea of copyright that works, once the term of protection expires, are free for all to reuse.

Giulia Dore (University of Trento) and Giulia Priora (NOVA School of Law in Lisbon) will present an independent expert opinion commissioned by COMMUNIA, which discusses the implications of the Italian cultural heritage code for the European copyright framework, particularly its compatibility with Art. 14 of the CDSM Directive. In a roundtable discussion moderated by Brigitte Vézina (Director of Policy and Open Culture, Creative Commons), the two researchers will be joined by fellow scholar Andrea Wallace (University of Exeter). We invite the audience to participate in the discussion during a Q&A session.

The salon is open to anyone upon registration. Please register using this Google Form and we will send you a Zoom link before the event.

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