Launch event of the COMMUNIA non-profit association

When: 16.06.2011
Where: Brussels
The Launch of Blanchard's Balloon at The Hague in 1785 by G. Carbentus (cropped)

After almost four years of activities, the COMMUNIA Project has closed down but many members, willing to pursue its overall goals, decided to form an International Non-Profit Association based in Brussels. The Association’s mission is to educate about, advocate for, offer expertise and research about the public domain in the digital age within society and with policy-makers.

The COMMUNIA Association aims at expanding the discussion and activities carried out by the Project so far, planning in particular to help create a more balanced discussion about copyright in the digital environment and maximize the economic, social and cultural impact of our cultural and scientific heritage.

The COMMUNIA Association launch event took place on Thursday June 16, 2011 at the MONK Café Rue Sainte Catherine, 42, in Bruxelles.

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