COMMUNIA Salon: It’s the 7th of June 2021, so why is the internet still here?

When: 07.06.2021
Where: Online

On Monday the 7th of June 2021 the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive entered into force. To mark this event Communia organised a special Salon taking stock of the implementation process across the EU and taking a closer look at the latest developments around Article 17 of the Directive.

The event kicked off with the Eurovision DSM contest evaluating the implementation progress (or the lack thereof) in the 27 member states and awards were handed out for the best and worst implementations. Following this glamorous introduction discussions moved on to the latest developments related to the implementation of Article 17 of the directive. Felix Reda (Project lead Control © at GFF and former MEP), João Quintais (Institute for Information Law at the University of Amsterdam), Christophe Geiger (Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies – CEIPI, University of Strasbourg) and Paul Keller (Open Future / COMMUNIA) took a close look at the newly adopted German implementation law with its strong focus on user rights safeguards. The final version of the Commission’s implementation guidance was also discussed.

Cropped etching of Minerva with a helmet, featuring event title and information.
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