EU copyright conference in higher education 11th April, Brussels

On 11th of April a high-level international conference “A better copyright  for quality higher education and research in Europe and beyond” will take place in Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre. The conference is lead by ETUCE with partnership of European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE) and the COMMUNIA network. The conference will be bilingual in English and French.

At present the European Commission is finalising the initiative to pass a directive on Copyright which will have a broad impact on the work of teachers, students, professors, academics and researchers. The initiative is presently under approval in the European Parliament. With a view to influence the political debate at EU level and in light of the policy developments at global level, this conference offers the opportunity to discuss and provide insights into intellectual and creative property rights of academics and researchers, in particular into their copyrights at higher education and research level, including as well the awareness and sensitization of young people and students.

The conference is mostly addressed to partners’ member organisations active in the EU Copyright reform in education as well as to other prominent political and policy stakeholders in the field of education and copyright at EU and international level  (e.g. EU and international civil society IP lawyers and experts, national IP offices, national and regional political representations to the EU, representatives and experts from the EU institutions and EUIPO agency officials).

Draft agenda is available here.

For further information or registration, please contact Registration is open until March 29th. Thanks to the EUIPO grant, the costs of a limited number of participants can be financially covered for EU-participants. Non-EU participants are not eligible to take part.

If you are an EU/national organisation or an expert partner to “COMMUNIA network”, please quote it in the registration form. 

The Conference can also be followed online. It will be broadcasted live on ‘Education International’ channel, at the following link:

An etching and engraving of capterillars, butterflies and flower by Maria Sibylla Merian (cropped).
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