Copyright and education: new approach for the time of the pandemic

Do we need a new approach to copyright, as it applies to education? What has the pandemic changed? We will ask these questions during a Copyright for Education online event this Thursday, 29th of October).The session is co-organised with our member, Centrum Cyfrowe and is part of this year’s Open Education Policy Forum.

The Copyright for Education online event will take place on Thursday, 29th of October, at 13.00-14.15 UTC. You can register for the event here. Registered participants will receive a Zoom link on the day of the event.

We are inviting to this session educators, copyright scholars, activists and educational stakeholders. Our speakers include Meredith Jacob (PIJIP / Creative Commons USA, USA), Teresa Nobre (Communia Association, Portugal) and Allan Rocha de Souza (UFRRJ, Brazil) and will be moderated by Alek Tarkowski (Communia / Centrum Cyfrowe Foundation, Poland).

Debates about copyright reform, as seen from the perspective of educational stakeholders, often concern adjusting the law to the requirements of digital education. During the pandemic, we all experienced a sudden shift to digital, remote education. Did current copyright law prove to be fit for purpose, or did it become an obstacle to teaching and learning? What kind of copyright law do we require to support resilient education during the ongoing pandemic?

In this session, we want to highlight the growing importance of strong educational exceptions that are necessary for effective and resilient remote education. Our speakers will present perspectives from around the world and cases of different educational contexts and legal systems. We will also discuss ongoing legislative processes – such as the implementation of the new European Copyright Directive or ongoing policy debates at WIPO.

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