Our DSM Directive Implementation Tracker is out

Today we are launching our new DSM Directive Implementation Tracker.

These tracking pages aim to provide information on the status of the implementation of the new Copyright Directive in all EU Member States. The information contained in each country page was collected by local organisations and individuals in each country and/or from public sources.

This tracker is part of a wider implementation project of COMMUNIA and its members Centrum Cyfrowe and Wikimedia, which includes a range of activities (including our DSM Directive Implementation Guidelines) to make sure that local communities in as many Member States as possible are aware of their national legislative processes and participate in those processes.  

What is the current status of the implementation?

One year after the entry into force of the DSM Directive, the implementation picture is very varied. So far only one member state (France) has adopted one element of the Directive (the new press publishers right) into national law.

There are currently two member states with implementation law proposals tabled in their national parliaments. In France a proposal implementing articles 17 – 22 of the Directive has cleared committee and is awaiting first reading in plenary. In the Netherlands a proposal implementing the entire Directive has just been introduced into parliament and is awaiting reading in the legal affairs committee.

A number of other member states have published legislative drafts for consultation. Hungary and Croatia have published draft laws implementing the full Directive for public consultation. In Belgium draft legal texts implementing most parts of the directive have been discussed within the Council for Intellectual Property. Finally, Germany has published drafts for an implementation law covering articles 3-7, 15 and 16 of the directive for public consultation.

Most other member states are in various stages of public or targeted consultation without having shared draft language. In four member states (Poland, Portugal, Luxembourg and Malta) there have not been any official consultations yet.


Several people are involved in this process of collecting and transferring information about the national legislative processes into our tracking pages, and keeping these pages updated. We are very thankful for all their time and patience. 

This project was implemented with a grant from the Open Society Foundations.


  • Check the status of implementation: tracker.communia-association.org
  • Read the guidelines: guides.communia-association.org
  • Send us feedback: If you want to provide feedback on the information contained in our country pages, you can send your feedback via email to transposition@communia-association.org or by commenting directly on the wiki-style platform “notion” that we are using to publish the tracker (you need to be logged into notion and you can make a free account here: https://www.notion.so/login).
  • Tweet about it: Today @communia_eu released its #DSMDirective implementation tracker. The tracker provides information on the status of implementation in each EU member state, and it can be reused freely by anyone. tracker.communia-association.org



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