InfoSoc @ Ten

Ten years after the EU Directive on Copyright in the Information Society: Looking back and Looking Forward.

In may 2011 the directive 2001/29/EC of 22 may 2001 on copyright and related rights in the information society (also known as the ‘copyright’ or ‘infosoc’ directive) has turned 10.

To mark this (belated) birthday, the CRIDS (University of Namur) and the IViR (University of Amsterdam) jointly organize a conference in Brussels on the 13th of January 2012, with the collaboration of the European Parliament.

The overall objective of this event will be to assess the achievement of the objectives of the Information Society Directive and to discuss the next steps to undertake to promote creativity in the digital age. Has the Directive been a success? What is still missing to foster a thriving European market for cultural products and an inclusive knowledge society?

You can find the full programme of the one day conference here (PDF) and you can register (until the 4th of january) on the website of the CRIDS.

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