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Call for Signatories: A Better Copyright Reform for Education

Update February 7th 2017: We have now closed our call for signatories and have updated the supporting organisations and individuals list in the post below. Thanks again for the big support for this call for a better copyright reform for education. 

COMMUNIA, together with other advocates of quality education in Europe, has developed a letter to members of the European Parliament. In the letter we express our concerns that the proposed directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market will make things worse for education. We make recommendations that would help copyright transform into copyright fit for modern, quality, and inclusive education and ask for amendments in line with these recommendations. Please read the full letter here.

Help us in supporting a better copyright for education

We want to gather wide support, so that we can impact the current copyright proposal. If you personally or your organisation wants to sign the letter, contact Lisette Kalshoven ( We accept additional signatories until February 6th 12:00 CET. We thank you for your support.

Right now the letter is supported by the following organisations:

• Creative Commons
• Creative Commons Portugal
• Creative Common Austria
• Fairkom Association
• Centrum Cyfrowe
• Kennisland
• Open Education Working Group, Open Knowledge International
• PL2020
• Alliance for Open Education
• Associação Ensino Livre
• Centrul Pentru Inovare Publica
• Electronic Information for Libraries
• Association for Technology and Internet
• Leuphana University of Lüneburg
• Nexa Center for Internet & Society
• Centrum Edukacji Obywatelskiej
• Szkoła z klasą (Poland)
• Państwowe Muzeum Etnograficzne
• Koalicja Otwartej Edukacji
• Muzeum Historii Polski
• Wikimedia UK
• Open Technologies Alliance-GFOSS
• Intelectual Property Institute, Slovenia
• European University Association
• The European Multiple MOOC Aggregator
• International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
• The European Association for Viewers Interests
• The Libraries and Archives Copyright Alliance
• European Bureau of Library Information and Documentation Associations
• Europeana
• Media and Learning Association

And the following individuals:

  • David Anderson-Evans, Chair, UUK-Guild HE Copyright Working Group, UK
  • Jane Secker, Copyright and Digital Literacy Advisor, LSE, UK
  • Chris Morrison, Copyright and Licensing Compliance Officer, University of Kent, UK
  • Monique Ritchie, Research Librarian and Copyright Officer, Brunel University London, UK
  • Kate Vasili, Copyright Officer, Middlesex University, UK
  • David Farley, University Librarian, University of Winchester, UK
  • Ralph Weedon, Information Governance and Compliance Manager, University of Strathclyde, UK
  • Teemu Leinonen, Finland
  • Mart Laanpere, Estonia
  • Hans Põldoja, Estonia
  • André Isidoro Fernandes Esteves, Portugal
  • Marcos Daniel Marado Torres, Portugal,
  • Dr Maja Bogataj Jančič, LL.M., LL.M.
  • Paula Simões, Portugal
  • Inga-Lill Nilson, Sweden
  • Dr Guido Noto La Diega
  • Peter Suber, Harvard University
Cropped etching of Minerva with a helmet, featuring event title and information.
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